Where I drank in Germany
Fingers' first *international* highly specific/inexhaustive drinking guide
Four weeks ago, I posted a simple question to the Fingers Friday Thread: where should I drink in Germany? The following week, I left on my long-belated honeymoon to—you guessed it—Germany. It was amazing, we had a terrific time, I didn’t check my email for 18 straight days. This was my first week back in the saddle, and I gotta tell you: it’s been rough getting back up to speed. Due to that whole “not checking email for 18 days” thing, I had 1,124 of ‘em waiting for me in my inbox upon return. No fun.
As for new coverage, I’ve published four columns at VinePair that I haven’t plugged here yet:
The Best Season for Beer Sales Is Over, and It Was Bad (10/11)
Indie Sleaze Came Back. Here’s Why the PBR Phenomenon Never Will. (10/4)
The Biggest Challenges Facing Craft Brewers Right Now (9/27)
All Hail the Stovepipe, Craft Beer’s 19.2-Ounce Shining Bright Spot (9/20)
Check those out. The two in the middle there ran while I was away, so they’re more evergreen. Fingers will return to full steam next week; hope you enjoyed the Ballad of Bang Energy miniseries I programmed for you while I was away.
In the meantime, I figured I ought to actually pay off the question I asked four weeks ago. The Fingers Fam came through with terrific recommendations on where to drink in my travels to Munich, Berlin, Cologne, and the Rhine Valley, after all. The least I can do is reveal what and where I actually drank in Germany.
So! Behold a special honeymoon edition of the Fingers Know-It-When-You-See-It Drinking Guide (KIWYSIDG), dedicated to the many Getränke aus Deutschland I enjoyed during our whirlwind tour there. As always, this is a highly specific and subjective guide that’s based less on rigorous, comprehensive evaluation and more on the wisdom of Potter Stewart. I’ve been to Germany once and drank at a few places. These were my favorite places of those places. Don’t overthink it.
(I was barely able to scratch the surface of Germany’s vast, deep, rich drinking culture in my brief two weeks in-country, so if I didn’t make it to a place you recommended, please don’t be upset. Or be upset, but don’t email me about it.)
Like all KIWYSIDGs, this one is available only to paying Friends of Fingers. But if you’re still reading for free, I’ve got great news—I’m currently doing a subscription drive to celebrate Fingers’ second year of fiscal solvency. Don’t miss out, there are stickers involved. Smash this button:
Read on for big honkin’ Maß mugs of Helles, slender Kölsch Stangen, plus a whole lotta cocktails and Riesling. Oh also: a gallery of photos of your fearless Fingers editor enjoying the ride, just for good measure. Prost!